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Figure 3 | Molecular and Cellular Therapies

Figure 3

From: Recruitment and retention of human autologous CD34+ CD117+ CD133+ bone marrow stem cells to infarcted myocardium followed by directed vasculogenesis: Novel strategy for cardiac regeneration

Figure 3

Purity and viability of isolated, human, autologous, bone marrow stem cells (haBMSCs). (A-C) Batch purity after labeling with the superparamagnetic htAbs targeting CD34 (A), CD117 (B), CD133 (C) and sorting by MACS was assessed by flow cytometry. Dead cells – labeled with antibodies against double stranded-DNA (anti-dsDNA) and apoptotic – labeled with antibodies against phosphatidylserine (anti-PS) cells were sorted out entirely so are not detected by flow cytometry (empty Q4). The counts were averaged and normalized against first 1000 events. (D-F) Batch purity was further assessed on immunoblots. Isolated populations of haBMSCs (BMSC CD34, BMSC CD117, BMSC CD133) and heart tissues (heart mf) were homogenized and lysed. They were electrophoresed on parallel lanes to purified clusters of differentiation (CD34, CD117, CD133). All electrophoresed samples were transferred onto PVDF membranes and labeled with the htAbs targeting CD34 (D), CD117 (E), CD133 (F). The immunoblots revealed presence of the only cells displaying the targeted receptors. Since there were no other bands on the blots, then there was no false positive labeling of other receptors, thus no falsely positive cells in these batches.

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